AI Teammates for Hotels and Hospitality

Our AI teammate ensures seamless guest communication, capturing inquiries and requests even when you’re unavailable, to enhance the hotel guest experience.

Live Transcription

Enjoy uninterrupted peace as calls smoothly move to your AI teammate, along with instant, detailed summaries of the caller and why they're reaching out, allowing you to step in whenever needed.

Sounds Just Like You

Say goodbye to robotic voicemail messages and make your voicemail reflect your personality. With our AI teammate, your voicemail will sound like you, making callers feel welcome.

Take Over Any Call

With our call transcription feature, quickly see who's calling and what they need, so you can step in seamlessly. Improve your response time and effectiveness, turning every call into an opportunity to impress guests.

Break Language Barriers

Our AI teammate seamlessly communicates in the caller's preferred language, eliminating linguistic obstacles and ensuring smooth interactions with every guest.

Get Deep Customer Insights

With the Yobi app, you’ll have access to a wealth of information about your customers, including their preferences, interests, and booking history. This means you can tailor your services to meet their exact needs, providing a truly personalized experience that will set you apart from the competition.

This level of personalization is sure to impress your guests and keep them coming back for more.

Revolutionize Your Customer Experience!

Experience a paradigm shift in voicemail management with our AI Teammate. Stay informed about incoming calls, their purpose, and even the caller’s sentiment, all conveniently accessible at your fingertips.

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